Monday, 5 September 2016


Good day  readers

    Today  we are going to treat a very interesting topic, and I believe you are all going to enjoy and at the same time understand  every bit of it.
  Last topic was on INTONATION IN YORUBA LANGUAGE, where we discuss all the three basic tonals of the Yoruba language.
Like many other language, Yoruba language too have its own alphabets. In fact a very interesting one. Unlike the English alphabet that have 26 letters Yoruba language has 25 letters.
It will interest you that there is great similarities between Yoruba language alphabet and English language alphabet, the slight different is just the pronunciation or let me call it the TONE.
Without wasting much of your time, here are the 25 letters of Yoruba alphabet

A         B         D         E          E
F          G         GB       I           H
J           K         L          M         N
O         O         P          R          S
S          T          U         W         Y

The alphabets above are not pronounced as the English alphabet, when I make the videos on youtube I will make more verbal explanation.

Let me explain here first the pronunciations and tones of the above alphabets
            A-    as in tone (A)lphabet

            B-     as in tone (B)ig

D- as in tone (D)egree

E- as in tone (A)go

E- as in tone (E)gg

F- as in tone (F)ish

G- as in tone (G)ive

GB- as in tone (GBI) I cant think of any English word for this right now, you can make a suggestion.

I- as in tone (I)nstrument

H- as in tone (H)istory there is a little similarity between alphabet I and H. but they are not the same.

J- as in tone (J)esus

K- as in tone (K)ill

L- as in tone (L)eave

M-as in tone (M)inute

N- as in tone (N)eat

O- as in tone (O)ld
O- as in tone (O)rganize
P- as in tone (P)ick
R- as in tone (R)ead
S- as in (S)eat
S- as in tone (SH)ift
T- as in tone (T)heif
U- as in tone w(OU)nd
W- as in tone (W)eek
Y- as in tone (Y)awn
By now we should be able to identify all the Yoruba alphabet tones. Alphabet is called AFABEETI in Yoruba language.
Next topic we are going to discuss about the uses of the afabeeti Yoruba
Like we have A for Aple in English
So we have A for Aja (dog)
See you next time….

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